jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Fitness test

We have started the course with lot of energy. Students from 3rd grade of primary have been working very hard. They have worked their basic physical qualities (endurance, strenght, speed and flexibility) to assess fitness levels we have developed in class, we have done some tests, such as:

Endurance test - 6 minutes
In this test, the student runs and/or walks as far as possible in 6 minutes.

Strength test 
  1. Overhead medicinal ball throw (2kg)

The student stands with both feet behind a marked line holding the ball overhead with two hands and throws the ball as far as possible.

  2. Standing long jump
Stand still, with toes behind a line, jump forwards as far as you can. Measure the distance from the start line to the landing point.

Flexibility test - Sit and reach

Sit with legs straight and soles of feet against the bench. With palms face down on bench top, stretch and reach as far as possible.

Speed test - 10m X 5

Mark two parallel lines 10 meters apart and place two objects behind one of the lines. Students start behind opposite line. On the signal "Ready? Go!" the student runs to the block, picks one up, runs back to the starting line, places the block behind the line, runs back and picks up the second block, and runs back across starting line.

Masterclass de Gustavo Castro

El día 3 de octubre nos visitó el gran campeón del mundo de peonza Gustavo Castro. Nuestros alumnos pudieron aprender mucho él y admirar su destreza en el manejo de este pequeño elemento con tanta historia.
Además, trasmitió a los alumnos la importancia de la practica para conseguir mejorar independientemente de lo buena o cara que sea nuestra peonza.

Recordad que Gustavo volverá para celebrar el concurso de peonzas. Asi que, ¡No dejéis de practicar campeones!